At Tint4U, we believe windows are the most important feature of every room. They light the room and provide a view to the outside world. But this can come at a price, by allowing heat and ultra violet light to enter. The way you dress your windows, particularly with a window film, impacts enormously on the look and feel of your house or office, but also instantly enhances the liveability of the room and creates a mood or atmosphere in each room. Tint4U can assist you with the right window film selection to help also make the external look of your home more visually appealing and luxurious.
Liveability: Tint4U Solar Films can help to reduce the temperature of any room by rejecting heat passing through the glass.
Practicality: Tint4U Solar Films will still allow you to enjoy the view but still provide a degree of daytime privacy even with your curtains or blinds drawn back.
Protection: Tint4U Solar Films will reduce ultra violet light by 99%, thereby protecting your furnishings and carpets from fading and deteriorating. Our Safety and Security Films will enhance your protection from glass fragments or edges in the event of glass breakage.
Decorative: What better way to liven up your room or home by applying our decorative range of films to your windows. This is only limited by your imagination as we can computer cut to any shape, or perhaps include a printed mural of your choice.
Energy and Cost Savings: Solar films can limit the amount of the sun's heat passing through the glass into a room, and therefore may help to reduce the load on air conditioners and the use of fans in the home or office.

Solar Films for Motor Vehicles
Designed to reduce heat and UV light, under certain circumstances will give privacy.

Home and Office
Solar films to deliver heat, glare and UV Light reduction and increase privacy.

Safety Films
Designed to contain broken glass for safety and security.

Decorative Films
This range is a canvas for your imagination & creativity. Commonly used for privacy.
Heat Reduction
Heat and UV Light Reduction
Reduce Glare
Free Measure & Quote
Security & Safety
Member of WFAANZ